Whats Your Toxic Kpop Trait?

I don't think I have one. The only toxic trait is that I like to see scandals and think what actually would of happen/what really happen behind the scenes. I don't assuredly think my trait is that inhuman.
I think mine is when I assume idols sexuality. even though i dont care what they are as long as they are happy but for me its just fun to assume what they are and i think its really bad because it can make idols umcomfy :C
I have no idea if this is against the forums rules.

My trait would probably be that compare myself to the idols. Wishing I looked like them. (Don't reply if uncomfy and dont reply if its way too personal, thx)
Scandals are fun to figure out!! Not in a bad way of course.

Omg, Dijana, you are the gayest person I know alive so no, that isn't a toxic trait for you. :ROFLMAO:

Miss Chaeberry, istg if I hear you call yourself ugly, I'm calling Dambii to give you a smack with her chanla.
I don't think I have one, I was a stan around 2.5 gen but I never really got into groups until around 4th gen because I was a casual listener. So I compare the new generations to the old ones.